"Behold, you are beautiful my love behold, you are beautiful." Song of Solomon 1:15
"You are altogether beautiful my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7
God created this world with so much beauty in it. The autumn leaves are a gorgeous site to see. The many mountain ranges of the Earth are absolutely breath taking. There are beautiful animals and creatures all around us. Why then, would you have any doubt that God did not create you with the same amount of beauty? I understand that as females, we are expected to look like Victoria's Secret models 24/7. Truthfully though, almost no one actually looks like that (including the Victoria's Secret models). Woman have such a distorted view of what they are "supposed" to look like, and when we don't live up to that image we are overly harsh with ourselves. I myself can be my own worst critic. People will say "Oh, I love your hair!" and I'm thinking "Oh gosh, I look awful." I'm sure we all have those moments frequently. But, I think if we took a moment to realize that we are EXACTLY how God wants us to be, we would finally see ourselves the way He does. You know that moment everyone talks about when a bride starts her walk down the aisle and the groom just weakens in the knees and begins to cry? The groom is so overwhelmed by his bride's beauty that he cannot contain his excitement. Every girl fantasizes about that moment. We long to feel that beautiful. What if I told you that's how God looks at you every single day? It doesn't matter if you are a size 24 or a size 00, if your hair is frizzy or smooth, if you're wearing make up or sweatpants, God thinks you are beautiful. And who better to have thinking you're beautiful? I don't know about you, but I'd rather have God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, think I'm beautiful than Brad Pitt, or Joe Shmoe off the street any day. In the end, the only person that matters is God anyway, because Brad Pitt and Joe Shmoe won't be meeting you at the pearly gates. So, the next time you think you look fat, or that your hair isn't straight enough and your make-up looks weird, remember that you were crafted by the hands of God, and you are exactly the way He wants you to be. You are beautiful.